Ri Engineering’s core competencies in this field lie in component manufacture covering fabrication, machining and sheetmetal, the mining industry and structural steel erection. We are well known for our innovation and expertise in the area of wear resistance, including wear plates, wear management, pipework and the maintenance of chutes and hoppers.
Ri Engineering owns and operates an efficient steel fabrication workshop located at Whyalla, South Australia.
The workshop carries a full complement of specialist equipment including CNC machines, for the pre-fabrication, rolling, pressing, surface preparation and painting of steel plate used in tank construction, maintenance and general steel fabrication.
A highly skilled, experienced workforce operating modern equipment ensures both efficient production coordination and high quality output to dovetail with site construction schedules.
We put together the most appropriate teams of tradespeople and specialists to achieve our clients’ individual goals. We have well developed alliances with providers of complementary resources so that our clients enjoy the peace of mind that comes from dealing with a single supplier.
Ri Engineering would be pleased to have the opportunity to assist you with a technically correct and price competitive outcome for your project.